We must ask ourselves grave questions concerning the Presidents inactions concerning the Muslim world and known Terrorists visiting the White this what Foreign Policy has come too?
Is this all we can expect from Obama in coming days?
Who will he protect next?
What enemy of the American dream is waiting for shelter in Washington?
I cannot believe how far we have fallen in the last decade alone, if we the people do not make our stand NOW this great land will go the way of Rome, that is simple fact, and no matter what background your from its painfully obvious that the American economy cannot last much longer. We must begin to reasert our Capitalistic priciples soon or its to late!
The Constitution irregardless of the Washington blame game now, has vested the power to make all foreign policy to the federal government, that means that its in the President and the Senates hands. These are the people who we MUST NOT ONLY BLAME, BUT PUNISH WHEN WE VOTE THIS NOVEMBER!
There is NO EXCUSE for what this administration has and is doing to this great county. We are being blindsided by our own system, printing MORE AND MORE money like its a Monopoly game. Printing more paper WILL NOT SOLVE THIS ISSUE it will create hyperinflation but if we let Capitalism do what it does best our economy will begin to recover.
Obama hates Capitalism because he hates Colonialism in any form! He made it clear in his book in his own words. He makes it clear in every policy he brings forward, every speech he makes stinks of anti American sentiment.
The President should take the lead, DID YOU GET THAT? THE LEAD..... in crafting American foreign policy as the nation’s chief diplomat with the constitutional power to make treaties and appoint ambassadors. Instead our Government is filled with cowardice and confusion, our President knows only how to.
Obama shows NO ability as a leader, he leads from BEHIND and has weakened America I believe on purpose so Naturally they care little about fixing it. It was and is the progressive plan to weaken America from within like nothing in the past from without has worked!
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