Wow, what a crazy title for a blog, you might be saying. But its really true, over the past few decades or so we the people have allowed the MEDIA that little group that has the nerve to think its so much smarter than we are.
The media.....the more I watch them, the more I listen to them, the more I know for a fact they DON'T KNOW WHAT THEIR TALKING ABOUT. They misjudge, they outright lie and are completely careless with their facts. Don't get me wrong SOMETIMES they are right but is it on purpose or by accident?
These talking heads actually get paid to look smarter than me, how do they do it? THEY DON'T, their just really good at faking it. Just watch any media person for a while and you'll witness the fact that don't know any more than you do about what they report on UNLESS they do what you should be doing....THEIR OWN HOMEWORK, that's what makes a good reporter the best, those who simply read the cue cards remain cue card readers and nothing else. But if they break the rules and dig deeper than is necessary for the story they usually find real meat.
Most of the media are parroting the rest of the media, they are controlled by the Powers that be, instead of controlling the message, the message controls them. This is how they POLARIZE any idea, making us conform not to reality but to what they want us to believe.
To POLARIZE means:
to divide into sharply opposing factions, political groups, etc.: The controversy has polarized voters into proabortion and antiabortion groups.
to divide into sharply opposing factions, political groups, etc.: The controversy has polarized voters into proabortion and antiabortion groups.
Polarization is an effect that drives people so far apart on an issue
it is as if they are at opposite poles. The people become emotionally
attached to one side of an issue and become almost incapable of seeing
any virtues in the opposing position or any faults in their own. It
makes responsible thinking about the issue
difficult or impossible.
It may lead to personal animosity towards
people who take the opposing viewpoint. Most of us have issues about
which we are at least partially polarized so its easy to see how we can be lead into further polarization. The media has learned or been taught well to use facts in such a way as to drive opinion anyway those at the top wish them to go. I have often heard the excuse for not voting as this: "I don't vote because the system is fixed against my vote from the beginning, no matter who I vote for its been decided before hand, so why bother?"
This idea believe it or not is PARTLY TRUE, I say partly because the power to do so was GIVEN TO THESE PEOPLE BY US, so the ultimate power is still OURS by constitutional right. No outside force in the world SHOULD affect that right unless WE allow it.
The right to vote in free and fair elections is one of the fundamental
rights underlying the democratic principles of the American republic.
Everyone who is eligible to vote should be able to do so, but at the
same time, such votes should not be diminished or stolen by fraudulently
cast ballots or votes by ineligible individuals such as illegal aliens.
Now who's Racist?
Everyone in the media SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES the way their all behaving with their double standards [Fox included who should know better by now.] Clinton was an open sexual pervert and they covered him like a blanket even making him a hero and Ken Star the deviant, how's that for hypocrisy?
No one has LESS RIGHT to pick a president than the media, name EVEN ONE GOOD president they've picked in history, every president the media has been behind has screwed the country big time. SO WHY TRUST THESE MORONS with something so important.
Your Vote Counts ! - Power of one vote !
This is exactly what the media INCLUDING FOX is doing to Herman Cain by constantly saying he's not very smart doing things the way he's doing them with the Media BUT what they all miss is that America is leaving them in the dust storm while Cain makes even more money from their STUPIDITY daily....keep it up media!
Now who's Racist?
Everyone in the media SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES the way their all behaving with their double standards [Fox included who should know better by now.] Clinton was an open sexual pervert and they covered him like a blanket even making him a hero and Ken Star the deviant, how's that for hypocrisy?
No one has LESS RIGHT to pick a president than the media, name EVEN ONE GOOD president they've picked in history, every president the media has been behind has screwed the country big time. SO WHY TRUST THESE MORONS with something so important.
Your Vote Counts ! - Power of one vote !
vote is victory among many when the many have the majority.
Considering that the number of votes cast runs in the
Billions or more, the frequency of close votes comes often. Out
of 89,000 votes cast in U.S. Congressional elections, one vote was cast
in an election where the candidate won by a single vote or was tied. The
frequency rate is greater in state legislator elections where one in
15,000 votes had been cast for a candidate winning by one vote or was
Only 36.4 percent of voters cast their ballots in 1998, the lowest since 1942. Nearly two out of three of the 115 million eligible American voters did not bother to vote.
Between 1972 and 2000 the national voting turn-out for the 18-24 year age group declined by 10 percent.
In 1998 less than 20 percent of 18-24 year-olds chose to vote. That is one in five.
In 2000 only 42 percent of 18-24 year-olds bothered to vote. That same year only 75 percent of those older than 25 voted.
Looking at the statistics of just one demographic, with voter turn-out being low in all demographics and with so many races running close, one can see how powerful a coalition of votes can be. Even your One Vote has an influence to increase the power of those who do vote as you would.
When you do not vote, by default you cast your vote against the person or proposal you would prefer. When you do not vote, that vote is one less the opposition has to overcome, thus your "no vote" is a vote for them. The inconveniences of voting is just one small price to pay for the liberty we enjoy. Get up, Get out and vote!
(c) Roger W Hancock 2004-2007
Only 36.4 percent of voters cast their ballots in 1998, the lowest since 1942. Nearly two out of three of the 115 million eligible American voters did not bother to vote.
Between 1972 and 2000 the national voting turn-out for the 18-24 year age group declined by 10 percent.
In 1998 less than 20 percent of 18-24 year-olds chose to vote. That is one in five.
In 2000 only 42 percent of 18-24 year-olds bothered to vote. That same year only 75 percent of those older than 25 voted.
Looking at the statistics of just one demographic, with voter turn-out being low in all demographics and with so many races running close, one can see how powerful a coalition of votes can be. Even your One Vote has an influence to increase the power of those who do vote as you would.
When you do not vote, by default you cast your vote against the person or proposal you would prefer. When you do not vote, that vote is one less the opposition has to overcome, thus your "no vote" is a vote for them. The inconveniences of voting is just one small price to pay for the liberty we enjoy. Get up, Get out and vote!
(c) Roger W Hancock 2004-2007
THE IMPORTANCE OF ONE VOTE Mary W. Morgan, Supervisor of Elections The most often heard excuse for not voting in an election is "my one little vote won't make a difference." Yet history is full of instances proving the enormous power of one single vote. In many cases, the course of nations has been changed because one individual ballot was cast -- or not cast -- depending upon your point of view. Consider this: In 1645, one vote gave Oliver Cromwell control of England.
* In 1649, one vote literally cost King Charles I of England his head. The vote to behead him was 67 against and 68 for -- the ax fell thanks to one vote.
* In 1714, one vote placed King George I on the throne of England and restored the monarchy.
* In 1776, one vote gave America the English language instead of German (at least according to folk lore.)
* In 1800, the electoral college met in the respective states to cast their two votes for President. At that time, the U.S. Constitution provided the candidate receiving the most electoral votes would become President and the candidate receiving the second higheest number of votes would become Vice President.
When the results of the electoral college votes were opened by both houses of Congress, there was a tie vote for President between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. That threw the election of President into the House of Representaties where Thomas Jefferson was elected our third president by a one vote margin.
* In 1824, none of the four Presidential candidates received an electoral majority. The election was again thrown into the House of Representatives, where John Quincy Adams defeated front runner Andrew Jackson by one vote to become the nation's 6th president. Andrew Jackson received the majority of the nation's popular vote.
* In 1844 in the backwoods area of Switzerland County, Indiana on election day, a farmer named Freeman Clark lay seriously ill in bed. He begged his sons to carry him to the county seat so he could vote for David Kelso to become a state senator. David Kelso had defended old Freeman Clark on a murder charge and obtained his acquittal.
The old farmer Freeman Clark got to vote for Kelso but Clark died on his way back home. Kelso won the election by one vote. Both Freeman Clark and David Kelso were long-time Andrew Jackson supporters.
* In 1844 when the new Indiana senate convened, Democrats had a majority of one -- counting David Kelso. At that time, state senates had the task of electing the states' United States Senator. The Indiana Senate Democrats held a caucus where it developed a majority of the party delegation favored a man who would vote against the annexation of Texas if elected to the U.S. Senate. David Kelso refused to vote for the Democratic Party choice and a deadlock resulted between the Democratic and Whig candidates.
This continued for days. Finally, Kelso made his move. He proposed a new candidate: Edward A. Hannigan. In his party caucus, Kelso notified his Democratic associates he would bolt and vote with the Whigs -- thus electing a Whig to the Senate -- unless the Democrats supported Hannigan. The Democrats felt constrained to accept Hannigan who was then elected as Indiana's U.S. Senator by one vote -- that of David Kelso.
* In 1845, Texas was admitted to the union as a state by one vote -- that of Edward A. Hannigan from Indiana. The 1844 and 1845 excerpts on the series of single votes leading to Texas statehood are from the book Magnificent Destiny.
* In 1846, a one vote margin in the U.S. Senate approved President Polk's request for a Declaration of War against Mexico.
* In 1850, California was admitted to the union by a margin of one vote. * In 1859, Oregon was admitted to the union by a margin of one vote.
* The Alaska Purchase of 1867 was ratified by just one vote -- paving the way for the eventual annexation of America's largest state in 1958.
* In 1868, one vote in the U.S. Senate saved President Andrew Johnson from impeachment.
* In 1875, a one vote margin changed France from a monarchy to a republic.
* In 1875, Florida's U.S. Senators were still elected by the state Legislature. Democrat Charles W. Jones of Pensacola was elected by the U.S. Senate by a majority of one vote.
* In 1876, no presidential contender received a majority of electoral votes so the determination of the country's president was again thrown into the U.S. House of Representatives. By a one vote margin, Rutherford B. Hayes became the new U.S. president. When Tilden's party protested the tabulation and demanded a recount, Congress established a 15-member electoral commission to again count the electoral votes and declare the result.
By an eight to seven margin -- again, one vote -- the commission affirmed the count and gave the election and presidency to Hayes.
* In 1885, two members of the Florida House of Representates waged a friendly but close contest for Speaker of the House. Robert W. Davis of Green Cove Springs defeated Gen. Ernest Yonge of Pensacola by one vote.
* In 1889, by a one vote margin, Washington was admitted to statehood with the union.
* In 1890, by a one vote margin, Idaho became a state.
* In 1916, if presidential hopeful Charles E. Hughes had received one additional vote in each of California's precincts, he would have defeated President Woodrow Wilson's re-election bid.
* On November 8, 1923, members of the then recently-formed
revolutionary political party met to elect a leader in a Munich,
Germany beer hall. By a majority of one vote, they chose an
ex-soldier named Adolph Hitler to become the NAZI Party leader.
* In 1940, the vote taken by the French parliament to maintain its status as a republic failed by a margin of one vote.
* In 1941, the Selective Service Act (the draft) was saved by a one vote margin -- just weeks before Pearl Harbor was attacked.
* In 1948, a Texas convention voted for Lyndon B. Johnson over ex-Governor Coke Stevens in a contested Senatorial election. Lyndon Johnson because U.S. Senator by a one vote margin.
* In 1948, if Thomas E. Dewey had gotten one vote more per precinct in Ohio and California, the presidential election would have been thrown into the U.S. House of Representatives where Dewey enjoyed more support than his rival -- incumbent Harry Truman. As it was Dewey was expected to win the general election by a landslide so most Republicans stayed home. Only 51.5 percent of the electorate voted. Truman defeated Dewey.
* In a 1955 city election in Huron, Ohio, the mayor was elected to office by one vote.
* In a 1959 city election, mayors of both Rose Creek and Odin, Minnesota were elected to their respective offices by one vote.
* In the 1960 presidential election, an additional one vote per precinct in Illinois, Missouri, New Jersey, and Texas may have altered the course of America's modern history by denying John F. Kennedy the presidency and placing Richard Nixon in the White House 8 years earlier.
* In 1962, the governors of Maine, Rhode Island, and North Dakota were all elected by a margin of one vote per precinct.
* In 1984, a Monroe County, Florida commissioner was elected by one vote.
* In 1994, the U.S. House of Representatives enacted a law banning specific classes of assault weapons. The vote was initially tied but one member changed his vote to approve the ban.
* Bills proposing amendment to the U. S. Constitution require a 2/3's vote of each House in order to be approved. When the balanced budget amendment bill came before the U.S. Senate in March, 1995, the measure failed by one vote --Mark Hatfield, Republican from Oregon, was the sole Republican failing to vote with other members of the Republican Party which was the majority party of the U.S. Senators.
When it became apparent the measure would fail, Senate Republican Whip Bob Dole changed his vote to enable him to bring the matter back up under parliamentary rules for a vote in the future.
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