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Who is Obama? Who Knows?


Where in the World?

What is a Useful Idiot?

In political jargon, the term useful idiot was used to describe Soviet sympathizers in Western countries.

The implication is that though the person in question naively thought themselves an ally of the Soviet Union, they were actually held in contempt and were being cynically used.

The term has been extended to other people perceived as propagandists for a cause they do not understand.

Beware of the Useful Idiots who live in liberal democracies. Knowingly or unknowingly, they serve as the greatest volunteer and effective soldiers of Islam. They pave the way for the advancement of Islam and they will assuredly be among the very first victims of Islam as soon as it assumes power.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Charlie Rose get's totally owned by Rick Santorum on CBS Morning show

The media is taking their attacks on Santorum’s social views to the extreme – another example is the reaction to a joke told by a Santorum supporter. Yes, Santorum is getting grilled over something a supporter said (which wasn’t even controversial).

 Charlie Rose tried to attack him on it, and Santorum wasn’t having any of it and delivers an epic take down during their interview on “CBS This Morning.” Catch the exchange and reaction.

If nothing else Rick will take on the Media like they deserve to be taken on and that in itself is fresh and new for Washington. They have bedded down with corrupt Media for so long its about time someone put them in their place.

Now for all you MORONS out there sitting in your underwear in your mom's basement, what this supporter SAID in his statement was NOT SEXUAL IN ANY WAY, in fact it was ANTI-SEXUAL, ANTI-PROMISCUOUS, AND ANTI-DIRTY.
 Of course the left likes it dirty, sexual and feeling based so their dirty minds cannot imagine any statement that isn't connected to filthy imagination. Using a humorous remark to teach "Keeping it in your pants" or "Crossing your legs ladies" doesn't register with them, after all they want Men and women to be slaves to their desires because that translates to the welfare rolls eventually.
 He was stating a KNOWN FACT from our generation that if you KEEP YOUR LEGS TOGETHER you won't get pregnant, you won't ruin your life and your family's, you won't become addicted to government help and ruin our lives!



Come on Left (and Right), be real for once, your double standards are the reason America can't stomach politics, you MEDIA TYPES created this Mess that we the people must clean up so stop the nonsense and myth making and just REPORT THE NEWS, DON'T MAKE IT!
You remember when being a reporter was looked at as respectable don't you, way back in the 1800's somewhere before MONEY AND POWER took over your moral core don't you?


I've taken a long hard look at all these candidates and have come to the conclusion I cannot WASTE my vote on Romney or Newt and its plain as day WHY.



Dear Patriot,
This is where we wanted to be. We have planned and strategized in preparation for this very moment. We have demonstrated that we can unite Conservatives and win states- even states that Mitt Romney won four years ago.

 Now, according to a new poll from Public Policy Polling, I am LEADING Mitt Romney nationwide by a double digit margin.

Here are the results:
  • Santorum 38%
  • Romney: 23%
  • Gingrich 17%
  • Paul 13%
We know this race has seesawed back and forth so we don't expect for a moment that Romney and his allies in the liberal media are going to let us stay there.
But this does confirm what we already knew: we are picking up momentum and are in the right place to take advantage of it. We have a strategy that has produced victories and can win us the Republican nomination. And we need to keep it going.

This poll comes on the heels of three huge wins last week in Colorado, Minnesota and Missouri. Conservatives across the country are coming together and uniting behind this campaign.

Everything is going our direction for the moment, but that's the very reason we can't let up--the Romney campaign is starting to get desperate. Governor Romney does not have a consistent record of conservatism that he can run on. 

Because of that, he can't talk about his story and will instead spend tens of millions of dollars in negative, dishonest, personal attacks on my record and my character.

I saw what Mitt Romney did to Newt Gingrich after he lost South Carolina. Romney is right now making plans to do the same thing to me in Michigan--carpet bomb the state with dishonest ads.  We need to be ready so we can fight back!

That's not going to be good enough to defeat President Obama. The GOP standard bearer must convey a clear vision of Reagan Conservatism to the American people if we are going to win this election. 

Running an inauthentic, Massachusetts moderate is not going to fire up conservatives, and it's not going to appeal to independents. We can't do it if we're going to defeat President Obama.

Every four years, people say, "This is the most important election of our lifetime." I think that's true this year, but I'll go even farther than that: this is the most important election in American history.
President Obama's vision for this country is to fundamentally change us from a free market, capitalist system to a Republic in the mold of the faded, decrepit Republics of Western Europe.

 We simply cannot allow four more years of this.
We are winning elections and the polls are all trending our way. I am going to win the Republican Nomination for President and defeat Barack Obama. But it's not going to happen without your help, right now. Not tomorrow, not next week. Right now.
For America,

Rick Santorum

Conservative Republican for President



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Vote Progressives ALL OUT on Both sides!

Congressional Members of the Progressive Caucus
Rep Earl Hilliard (AL-07)
Rep Eni Faleomavaega (AS-AL)
Rep Ed Pastor (AZ-02)
Rep Lynn C Woolsey (CA-06)
Rep George Miller (CA-07)
Rep Nancy Pelosi (CA-08)
Rep Fortney "Pete" Stark (CA-13)
Rep Henry A. Waxman (CA-29)
Rep Xavier Becerra (CA-30)
Rep Julian C. Dixon (CA-32)
Rep Esteban Edward Torres (CA-34)
Rep Maxine Waters (CA-35)
Rep George E. Brown (CA-42)
Rep Bob Filner (CA-50)
Rep Diane DeGette (CO-01)
Rep Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC-AL)
Rep Corrine Brown (FL-03)
Rep Carrie P. Meek (FL-17)
Rep Alcee L. Hastings (FL-23)
Rep Cynthia A. McKinney (GA-04)
Rep John Lewis (GA-05)
Rep Neil Abercrombie (HI-01)
Rep Patsy Mink (HI-02)
Rep Jesse Jackson (IL-02)
Rep Luis Gutierrez (IL-04)
Rep Danny Davis (IL-07)
Rep Lane Evans (IL-17)
Rep Julia Carson (IN-10)
Rep John Olver (MA-01)
Rep Jim McGovern (MA-03)
Rep Barney Frank (MA-04)
Rep John Tierney (MA-06)
Rep David Bonior (MI-10)
Rep Lynn N. Rivers (MI-13)
Rep John Conyers (MI-14)
Rep Bennie G. Thompson (MS-02)
Rep Melvin L. Watt (NC-12)
Rep Donald Payne (NJ-10)
Rep Jerrold Nadler (NY-08)
Rep Major Owens (NY-11)
Rep Nydia M. Velazquez (NY-12)
Rep Charles Rangel (NY-15)
Rep Maurice Hinchey (NY-26)
Rep John LaFalce (NY-29)
Rep Marcy Kaptur (OH-09)
Rep Dennis Kucinich (OH-10)
Rep Louis Stokes (OH-11)
Rep Sherrod Brown (OH-13)
Rep Elizabeth Furse (OR-01)
Rep Peter A. DeFazio (OR-04)
Rep Chaka Fattah (PA-02)
Rep William Coyne (PA-14)
Rep Carlos A. Romero-Barcelo (PR-AL)
Rep Robert C. Scott (VA-03)
Rep Bernard Sanders (VT-AL)
Rep James A. McDermott (WA-07)

Tim Tebow Quote:

“If you’re married and you have a wife, and you really love your wife, is it good enough to only say to your wife “I love you” the day you get married?
Or, should you tell her every single day when you wake up, and at every opportunity?

That’s how I feel about my relationship with Jesus Christ. That is the most important thing in my life, so any time I get an opportunity to tell Him that I love Him, or get an opportunity to shout Him out on national TV I’m going to take that opportunity.

So I look at it like in my relationship with Him, I want to give Him the honor and glory anytime I have the opportunity.”

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