FEMA Continuity of Government Plans, Prep Total Takeover of Society, Dispatching Military Domestically Under Economic Collapse Emergency
Aaron Dykes and Alex Jones
December 21, 2011
UPDATE: Government censors document revealing plans to wage war on Americans. READ HERE.
NOTE: Within an hour of posting this article and linking to the pertinent document, the feds at FBO.gov have pulled the link and implied that it was a classified posting.
We believe this was public and of interest to American citizens, taxpayers and peoples of the world and are in the process re-establishing an archive link of the material.
Obviously, however, this information is revealing and certain parties do not wish it to be widely known. If you believe this material is important, please archive it and share it with your contacts.
In the meantime, here are links to many of the pages: Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5, Page 6, Page 7, Page 8, Page 9, Page 10, Page 11
Infowars has discovered new FEMA documents that confirm information received from DoD sources that show military involvement in a FEMA-led takeover within the United States under partially-classified Continuity of Government (COG) plans.
It involves not only operations for the relocation of COG personnel and key officials, population management, emergency communications and alerts but the designation of the American people as ‘enemies’ under a live military tracking system known as Blue Force Situational Awareness (BFSA).
"Progressive ideas have not completely won the day. And in important
ways, the progressive liberals have had to adapt to realities defined by
the American political tradition."
"Reclaiming America’s future will require a concerted, monumental effort
to push back progressive liberalism’s assault on individual liberty and
recover the Founders’ principles in our political culture."
Matthew Spalding
Saturday, October 15th at 1:31PM EDT
A group of people exists within our midst that hate the
Constitution as laid down by our forefathers; they have spent years
gnawing away at the very foundation that has make America exceptional.
They have infiltrated our Government, our schools, our homes taking away our freedoms and rights.
They’ve attempted to remove God from the courthouses, our pledge of Allegiance, from our coins
and out of our children’s schools. They are constantly degrading us,
telling us what they perceive as wrong and assuring us they can fix it.
They ridicule, lie and spew verbal rape as is noted in their canned
speeches. They mimic each other, they use the same words and they lie,
lie, lie…
Until I started comparing their actions, their verbiage and their
motives nothing was making sense – it was disturbing to watch and listen
to certain journalists, politicians and our Commander in Chief as they
conjured blatant attacks against the United States of America. They are
ashamed of us!
Then it was self evident that we had allowed this group of people
over a span of many years to infiltrate our Nation, our schools, our
Government and our homes. They preyed on the poor using them as sheep to
do their dirty work always trying to organize them into what is
referred to as a “mass power.”
Their agenda is simple, yet deadly – they strive to keep the troops
(Americans) distracted and divided as they promote their agenda. They
want to change our Nation from what it is to what they want it to be…
Listen to their rhetoric, note the similarity in their method of communication and realize that what they say has nothing to do with the truth.
Just recently we’ve witnessed their mode of operation and watched as
they constantly stir the pot always blaming others for their inept
ability to lead and keep our Country safe.
When the Tucson massacre occurred, they immediately blamed Sarah Palin, Republicans questioning our 2nd Amendment rights.
The tea party movement frightened them so their only recourse was to
demonize this group of citizens who wanted our individual freedoms
restored, our borders secured, our Military kept safe and returning our
Government to a Government of the people by the people and fore the people.
They use scare tactics when Paul Ryan presented his budget – they
tried to scare the older generation and say Paul was going to push
“granny” off the cliff. They attacked Sarah Palin with vengeance, but
how sad to think that anyone would stoop so low as to make fun of her
youngest son who has Downs Syndrome.
Pelosi’s remarks about Republicans on October 13, 2011 saying that
Republicans will be voting to allow women to die on the floor. They hope
Glenn Beck puts a gun to his head and pulls the trigger. They make fun
of those suffering and dying from Alzheimers.
But, what created my curiosity about this group of people was the way
they embraced the OWL protestors. Obama, Plouffe, Pelosi, Soros, the
Unions, ACLU all jumped on National TV praising the protestors.
This appeared to be a very strange reaction, but now we realize that
these young people who have been taught that the world owes them a living will be the chosen ones to reform our Nation.
The most terrifying part of this story is this – in our complacency,
our attempt to be politically correct we have spawned a group of
youngsters who are lost sheep, lacking attention, mentoring and guidance
because we were just too busy trying to keep up with the Jones’s.
We have a very dangerous group of people who have been brainwashed;
they are the product of many generations. They have been mentored,
disciplined and controlled by people like Soros, Alinsky, and many
others dating way back in the 1930′s and beyond. They have infiltrated
our schools, our colleges, our Government and our Nation.
Alinksy was considered one of the greatest community organizers of
all times, which is a pretty scary thought when you remember Obama’s
only claim to fame was a community organizer.
Will they change, absolutely not – they are the result of a silent
revolution that has been taking place in our Nation for years. Their
tools are propaganda, vile rhetoric laced with lies – they are the
polished technicians who have perfected the art of “distracting and
dividing.” They thrive on verbal rape and in their world truth does not
May God Bless America
As Always,
Little Tboca
Go to the list below to find out who NOT to vote for again IF you love your country as a Republic!
This site gives a comprehensive list and historical background on each member of this administration!
Capitalism: | Private ownership of wealth, IF YOU EARNED IT ITS YOURS!. The Wealth is up for ANYONE to earn if they work to get it. Those who are LAZY hate Capitalism. | |||||
Communism: | Common ownership and control of property, IN OTHER WORDS THE DICTATORSHIP OWNS IT ALL AND ONLY GIVES OUT TO THOSE IN POWER. The people are the forced labor slaves that provide for the dictators coffers. | |||||
Socialism: | Government ownership of industry and capital, NO DIVERSITY OR INVENTION ALLOWED . | |||||
Marxism: | Law is considered an instrument of oppression and control, RATHER THAN GETTING JUSTICE FOR THE WRONGED it becomes the club to keep the people in line. | |||||
Radical: | "Radical political views" WHICH LEAD TO THE ABOVE! It is not wrong to be Radical about what you believe UNLESS what you believe is not in the best interest of all Americans. | |||||
Commie: | Any or all of the above. UNAMERICAN! | |||||