If I wanted to continue the institution of slavery, I would convince countless people in my own nation that poverty is THE lack of other people's money, rather than lack of knowing how to create and keep ones own wealth. The progressives from the Right and the Left have and still are destroying America from within.
Daniel Paul King wrote on Facebook some great historical black and white facts :
Progressivism promotes the "Radical Center" vs the Classic Liberal/Classical Republican Center.
Some of the most harmful legislation has been when the Progressive Right and Progressive Left compromise. Both have radical views and their compromises are exploitative.
Progressive Economics supports "Third Way" Economics of pseudo socialism and pseudo capitalism. A system based on Taxes/Debt/Usury growth that is in fact Corporatism and not Capitalism. Though some call it Right Wing Capitalism...but since it is based on growing DEBT and favors finance it is not Free Market.
They gave us FIAT and Fractional Reserve Banking....
"In a free market, fractional reserve banking (FRB) would be illegal because of its fraudulent nature." This is the opinion of Classic Economic Theories - Classical LIBERAL market theories....amazing now that modern "liberals" reject the consumer driven free market
Because of Progressives we no longer have a system of Free Market Capitalism - we have a Tax/Debt/Usury system. These system are not new in civilization and were called "Tyranny". The European Banking system our forefathers fled to come to America was such a system.
Classical Liberalism and Classic Republicanism created NEW economic theories at the time based on the Liberalism (Classic) and Republicanism center....Free Market Capitalism. Capital Money- Tax and Debt Free Money. Not a Usury System.
Progressivism uses DECEPTIONS - they claim "Free Market" but it violates the core principles and values of the theory; and they also pander to pseudo Marxist ideas....it is a deceptive mix.
Progressivism came about in the 1850's and has been a force in our politicial system ever since.
"Liberal corporatism was an influential component of the Progressivism in the United States that has been referred to as "interest group liberalism".[29]
The support by U.S. labor representatives of liberal corporatism of the U.S. progressives is believed to have been influenced by the syndicalism and particularly the anarcho-syndicalism at the time in Europe.[29]
In the United States, economic corporatism involving capital-labor cooperation was influential in the New Deal economic program of the United States in the 1930s as well as in Keynesianism and even Fordism."
If I wanted to totally destroy the American dream I would call all my critics racists if they pointed out the falsehood of that reasoning. Name calling is the oldest trick in the book to distract from the real issues at hand, it is the trick used by COWARDS AND THE WEAKER to get away with whatever their doing.
If I wanted to expand this to the entire planet, I would invent Global Warming, Cap & Trade, and carbon credits to reward developing nations for remaining dependent and unproductive at the expense of the successful.
If I wanted America to Fail I'd get Americans to believe that the Government that fails at everything it does could take care of me and my family.
I'd tell America over and over again that they are ENTITLED to get when they give NOTHING BACK. I'd make every American feel guilty for using what they need every day to survive so that in the end they will comply and bow the knee!
I'd tell America over and over again that they are ENTITLED to get when they give NOTHING BACK. I'd make every American feel guilty for using what they need every day to survive so that in the end they will comply and bow the knee!
These are what Progressives are like when they speak their minds at rallies, this is our future America unless we cut out this political cancer by its roots once and for all.......THEY HATE AMERICA! THEY HATE ISRAEL! THEY HATE CAPITALISM all of which they themselves have benefited from to get where they are today.
They are the biggest of Hypocrites because while they speak of the poor they enjoy BILLIONS in taxpayer funding (The Capitalism they say they hate, they waste.) They use Voter intimidation, Voter Fraud, and Dead people's names to get what they want.
They are the biggest of Hypocrites because while they speak of the poor they enjoy BILLIONS in taxpayer funding (The Capitalism they say they hate, they waste.) They use Voter intimidation, Voter Fraud, and Dead people's names to get what they want.
They have dirtied Americas name in the World and caused us all to forget our foundations by passing lame, and bogus Laws that prevent us from teaching our true history to our children.
These are the very things that Progressives from BOTH parties have been doing to America since the 1850's. While we VOTE them into power they take away our power of the people by shredding our Constitutional God given rights right from under our Nations feet.
Worst of all,We have enabled these monsters to slowly eat away our underpinnings as a Nation, listening to their half-baked lies and Propaganda just as the German people listened to Hitlers lies. How long will we as a people prepare our own coffins and dig our own graves?
Obama in his own words, he's a RADICAL!
We allowed our Government to make our kids Stupid so the next Generation would be Compliant to the takeover of the N.W.O. Its time we as a people stood up against it with the full force of "We The People" the true power of America.