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Who is Obama? Who Knows?


Where in the World?

What is a Useful Idiot?

In political jargon, the term useful idiot was used to describe Soviet sympathizers in Western countries.

The implication is that though the person in question naively thought themselves an ally of the Soviet Union, they were actually held in contempt and were being cynically used.

The term has been extended to other people perceived as propagandists for a cause they do not understand.

Beware of the Useful Idiots who live in liberal democracies. Knowingly or unknowingly, they serve as the greatest volunteer and effective soldiers of Islam. They pave the way for the advancement of Islam and they will assuredly be among the very first victims of Islam as soon as it assumes power.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

The Real Reason for College Tuition Increases

Here's a wake up call to all the Student protestors that don't seem to know the difference between Wall Street and Tenure issues that are the true problem!



The protestors across the country are being told a lie, a lie that is easily disproved with just a little study. They are being USED for a Liberal Agenda against Capitalism and the American Dream. Don't allow someone else to think for you, think for yourself.

The Real Reason for College Tuition Increases
The past year has seen a wave of protests by California’s public university students against tuition increases. These students have often been encouraged by their professors. But maybe the people encouraging them are the people they should be protesting against. Tuition increases are necessary because of increasing expenses, and the single most significant source of expenses in California’s university system are the personnel costs. So how much does a professor make? Could the solution to California’s higher-education budget crisis be not to raise tuition, but instead to lower rates of compensation?

It isn’t hard to get an idea what taxpayers and students end up paying our college personnel. One can refer to the Sacramento Bee’s “Search for State Worker Salaries” link, where you can enter the first and last name of a full time state university system employee and it will display their salary for the most recent year. For this analysis, I went to a department website and got the name of an associate professor with one of the social sciences at U.C. Davis, and learned that this individual earned a salary of $89,467 last year. According to the department website, this associate professor earns $89K per year in return for teaching (this spring quarter) one class, that meets for two hours on one afternoon per week. The professor is also obligated to be available to his students for office hours for one hour per week, immediately after class.

Clearly there is more to this professor’s job than showing up to school for three hours per week. In order to earn $89K per year this person has to prepare lesson plans, grade papers and exams, and presumably engage in research. And spring quarter may be a light quarter, and usually this professor may have two classes, or even three classes, requiring a presence on campus for 15 or even 20 hours per week. But before considering whether or not a typical social sciences professor in California’s university system actually works full time, let’s calculate how much their benefits are worth. Because total compensation has to include all costs, including current benefits and current funding obligations for future retirement benefits.

There is a Total Compensation Calculator provided by the UC Davis Dept. of Human Resources that can get us started. Assuming this individual is single and has no dependents, and elects to receive PPO Health and Dental Insurance coverage, and also taking into account the annual funding being set aside by the university for their retirement pension, their actual compensation per year is not $89,467, but actually $111,260. And it doesn’t end there.

As discussed in earlier posts, specifically in Sustainable Pension Fund Returns, but also explored in California’s Personnel Costs, Maintaining Pension Solvency, and elsewhere, it is not likely that the pension funding obligation disclosed in the “Total Compensation Calculator,” in the case of our social sciences professor, $15,755 per year, is going to be adequate. 

This is because the pension funds currently assume they can earn a real rate of return of 4.75% per year – that’s the return on the total fund investments after inflation – when in reality a sustainable return over the next few decades is unlikely to exceed 3.0% per year. Our social sciences professor, like most all non-safety personnel in the UC System, will get a retirement pension according to the following formula: # years worked x 2.5% x final year salary (ref. University of California Retirement Plan).

It is reasonable to assume they will work 30 years, live for 30 years in retirement, and collect 30 x 2.5% = 75% of their final salary as a retirement pension for 30 years, or $67,100 per year (with cost of living adjustments) for the rest of their life. This is, by the way, about triple what someone can expect after working 40 years and then collecting social security, but more to the point, will a contribution of $15K per year for 30 years yield a sufficient amount of money to fund a pension of $67K per year for 30 years? One must fight the temptation to let the mind wander, because the next few facts are key to understanding one of the biggest financial tsunamis the world has ever seen, and it is just offshore.

At a CalPERS official projected rate of pension fund returns (after inflation) of 4.75%, a 75% pension for 30 years, funded by 30 years of contributions, would require an annual contribution of 25% of salary, or $22,367 per year.

At a more realistic projected rate of pension fund returns (after inflation) of 3.00%, a 75% pension for 30 years, funded by 30 years of contributions, would require an annual contribution of 41% of salary, or $36,681 per year. Care to wager as to which figure is safer to use? Remember you’re wagering on the future of your children and your nation.

By this reasoning, our social studies professor doesn’t make “total compensation” of $111,260 per year, but $132,186 per year. But we’re not through. Returning to our handy “Total Compensation Calculator,” provided by UC Davis, the following footnote is instructive: “The value of UC’s generous sick leave and vacation time is not included in this calculation.”

So how generous is this benefit, and how does that compare to the sick leave and vacation times typically afforded in the private sector?

If you refer to the UC Davis “Accrual of Vacation” page, you will see an employee, on average during their career, will enjoy four weeks vacation per year – 20 working days. Similarly, on the page referencing holidays, you will see they enjoy 13 holidays per year.

These are conservative numbers, of course. In reality our social studies professor gets the Christmas break, a few weeks, the Spring break, a few more weeks, and the whole summer off, a few more months – and we haven’t calculated the value of their sick time policy, as the UC Davis HR Dept. helpfully suggests we consider. But even if you simply compare the 33 paid days off, as though school was in session 52 weeks a year, you are still seeing our professor enjoy at least 50% more days off than the average private sector worker. Pick a number – let’s tack on the value of 16 days off by taking a daily rate of $89K / 2,000 x 8 = $356 and add another $5,696 to our total compensation, to get ourselves to a grand total of $137,882.

This sort of pay is not on the high side, it’s actually fairly typical for employees of California’s higher education system. Take a look at all of the pay scales, again courtesy of UC Davis’s HR Dept.:  Professional & Support Staff Salary Grades, and Managers & Senior Professionals Salary Grades. You will see the lowest paid full-time position in the system is $25,668 per year. 

But at the lower end of the salary scale benefits actually represent a greater percentage of total compensation. If we apply our calculations used above to this lowest salary, we will see this position actually pays, including all benefits, at least $39,765 per year. This is the lowest rate of total compensation you will find. The maximum rate of pay for a UC Position, before benefits, is $282,372.

Comparisons to the private sector boggle the mind. The lowest rate of pay in the entire massive California system of higher education is more than the average income for a private sector worker in this state. Most of these workers enjoy a rate of total compensation that is only found in the highest echelons of private business. Most of them, when you include the value of their benefits, are collecting six-figure rates of compensation.

When students, abetted by their professors who apparently have ample free time, protest against rising tuition, they are failing to identify the true culprits. Because the reason our university system is going broke is because our teachers in higher education have become the most extravagantly compensated, pampered class of workers in the history of the world – and taxpayers, along with students, are forced to pay for this. And this disparity between our taxpayer-funded academic class and the rest of us is not unique. The same disparity exists in all government positions today in California. Nearly all of them are grossly overpaid.

The solution to government deficits is not to raise taxes or tuition. It is to bring rates of compensation for faculty and staff at our state funded colleges and universities down to reasonable and sustainable levels, and apply that solution across the board in all of our state and local governments. The next time a student suggests their tuition is too high because taxes are too low, ask them if they think it is fair to pay someone $138,882 per year to work one afternoon per week, and take summers off.

Moro Islamic Liberation Front- Islam at its worst!

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Monday, October 24, 2011

Who's Who- Van Jones :The communist in hiding!

When are we going to again see openness in the White House? When will integrity and morals dictate their actions? They FEAR criticisms and inquiry because they have no moral anchor keeping them in place. 

We cannot allow them to simply apologize and slink back behind the bigger dark picture, that is just giving them what they want. Keeping the light on them is the only way to eliminate their influence once and for all!

The Controversy surrounding Jones resignation

Read the following blogs:

Van Jones Scandal Threatens Obama Presidency 


The Blogger Who Nailed Van Jones

After his White House appointment, Jones began receiving criticism from media sources such as WorldNetDaily and Fox News commentator Glenn Beck, who featured Jones on fourteen episodes of his show. Let's be real here Liberals have done FAR WORSE to the Bush Administration.

[ It must be stated here that Glenn Beck NEVER called for Van Jones to be fired, he stated many times in MY HEARING that he would be MORE DANGEROUS if let go than if he stayed. All we ever wanted was a full disclosure of his connections to communism, and his Radical ties. Something the President should have called for as well.

They criticized and rightly so his past political activities, including his involvement with STORM (Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement) and his support for Mumia Abu-Jama, a prisoner sentenced to death for murdering a police officer. Why in the world would anyone defend these actions?

Jones was a founding organizer and leader of the communist revolutionary organization, Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM). The organization had its roots in a group protesting "U.S. Imperialism" during the Persian Gulf War of 1991. The leftist blog Machete 48 identifies STORM's influences as "third-worldist Marxism (and an often vulgar Maoism)."

In July 2009 Color of Change, an organization that Jones founded in 2005 and left in 2007, launched a campaign urging advertisers on Beck's Fox News show to pull their ads, in response to comments by Beck stating President Obama has a "deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture."  This idea was not Becks at all, but stemmed from Obamas very OWN WORDS from his book. ['Dreams FROM my Father"] 


From Dreams From My Father:
“I ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.”

  From Dreams From My Father :

“I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s race.”

From Dreams From My Father:

“There was something about her that made me wary, a little too sure of herself, maybe and white.”

From Dreams From My Father:

“It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.”

From Dreams From My Father:

“I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn’t speak to my own. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa , that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself: the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela.”

And FINALLY ……….. and most scary:

From Audacity of Hope:

“I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in
an ugly direction.”

It must be understood that Radicals as Van Jones said "Must DROP the radical pose for the radical end." So NOTHING is as you think it is or what you witness with your own eyes. Part of the plan is to hide IN PLAIN SIGHT and operate under the radar UNTIL the time comes to reveal the next step in the radical rules. 

In September 2009,, [ it no longer exists] a website launched in response to the boycott campaign, posted a video on YouTube of a February 2009 event at which Jones called Congressional Republicans "assholes". Jones responded by saying that the comments "were clearly inappropriate" and that "they do not reflect the experience I have had since I joined the [Obama] administration."

! The Progressive Party is Toxic to America as a Republic, it must be eradicated just like an infestation of cockroaches is, totally and with extreme carefulness NOT THE PEOPLE INVOLVED BUT THE IDEAS AT ITS ROOT!

Several days later, Jones came under additional criticism for his name appearing on a 2004 petition from that suggested the Bush Administration "may indeed have deliberately allowed 9/11 to happen". The nonsense this administration constantly embraces in the name of Radicalism is astounding! Even more astounding is the medias lack of caring.

On the night after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks STORM held a vigil in Oakland, California, "mourning the victims of U.S. imperialism around the world." In a document entitled, Reclaiming Revolution: history, summation & lessons from the work of Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement, Jones is quoted as saying,
"Anti-Arab hostility is already reaching a fever pitch as pundits and common people alike rush to judgment that an Arab group is responsible for this tragedy...We fear that an atmosphere is being created that will result in official and street violence against Arab men, women and children."

Reclaiming Revolution also blamed the U.S. for 9/11. A passage on page 45 (27 of the PDF file) reads: 
"That night, STORM and the other movement leaders expressed sadness and anger at the deaths of innocent working class people. We were angry, first and foremost, with the U.S. government, whose worldwide aggression had engendered such hate across the globe that working class people were not safe at home. We honored those who had lost their lives in the attack -- and those who would surely lose their lives in subsequent U.S. attacks overseas. "

STORM's own literature describes it's "Maoist orientation" which conducted "a group reading of Mao's On Practice and On Contradiction." The group studied Lenin's theories of the state, revolution, the party, and "the political ideas of Mao Tse-tung."STORM's own history further states, "We also pushed at or went beyond the limits of the traditional Marxist canon, studying such topics as revolutionary feminism, the Palestinian liberation struggle, transgender liberation, methods of evaluation, self-care for cadre and revolutionary mass [community] organizing." STORM was extensively involved in the community organizing movement

In 2004, Jones became a founding board member of the Apollo Alliance for "clean energy and green-collar jobs."  Jeff Jones of the Weather Underground is the New York State director of Apollo Alliance.


Representative Mike Pence (R-Indiana), the chairman of the Republican Conference in the U.S. House of Representatives, and Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas), Chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, publicly criticized Jones, while Senator Kit Bond (R-Missouri) urged Congress to investigate Jones' "fitness" for the position. 

In the early 2000s, Jones and STORM were co-sponsors of the anti-Iraq War demonstrations organized by International ANSWER, a left wing anti-Semitic front group for the Marxist-Leninist Workers World Party (WWP).

In Reclaiming Revolution, STORM editors discussed their self critical evaluation of accusations other groups made that STORM considered itself the revolutionary vanguard of Marxism. They write, 

"We did not understand clearly enough the distinction between cadre organization, revolutionary parties, revolutionary organization and vanguard organization." 

STORM repented of this grievious Marxist error as a "lesson learned," 

"We were a cadre organization that was working to build revolutionary mass organizations and to lay the groundwork for a future revolutionary party (or parties) by building a broad revolutionary internationalist trend." 

STORM's error was not being clear to members that they were an "advance guard" organization, and not a "vanguard organization."

Bob Beckel, a Fox News political analyst who was formerly an official in the Carter administration, became the first prominent Democrat to call for Jones' resignation. In response to the criticisms, Jones issued a statement that said, "In recent days some in the news media have reported on past statements I made before I joined the [Obama] administration — some of which were made years ago. If I have offended anyone with statements I made in the past, I apologize." Of the 9/11 petition specifically, he said, "I do not agree with this statement and it certainly does not reflect my views now or ever."

Don't get me wrong, EVERYONE makes mistakes, EVERYONE says things they regret SOMETIMES. BUT NO ONE ALWAYS SAYS AND DOES THE WRONG STUFF CONSTANTLY. Van Jones seems to be sorry for his entire existence if its convenient, which seems to say that nothing he has done is a good thing OR WHY DISTANCE YOURSELF IN THE FIRST PLACE?

After what Jones described as a "vicious smear campaign" by "opponents of reform [of health care and clean energy]", [ A BOGUS CLAIM ON ITS FACE SINCE NO ONE WANTS NO ACTION ON THESE ISSUES WE SIMPLY WANT PROPER ACTION UNDER CONSTITUTIONAL LAW ] he resigned on September 5, saying that he could not "in good conscience [ WOW! SINCE WHEN? ] ask my colleagues to expend precious time and energy defending or explaining my past. We need all hands on deck, fighting for the future". 

During an interview on ABC's This Week, White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs thanked Jones "for his service to the country" and said that Obama "doesn't endorse" [AT LEAST PUBLICLY ] Jones' previous association with the 9/11 Truth movement, his comments regarding race relations and politics, and his support for Mumia Abu-Jamal. Some liberal commentators expressed continued support for Jones, singling out the efforts of Glenn Beck to force his resignation, which wasn't the case at all. 

Arianna Huffington predicted AS BECK WARNED that any efforts would backfire by freeing Jones from being "tied to his desk with a sock in his mouth". John McWhorter, in The New Republic, related his analysis to the Obama presidency in general, saying that allowing Jones to resign was "spineless". Liberals love to blame us for a PLANNED event so they are not seen as the instigators.

In a post-resignation interview with The Washington Post, Jones said he did not have "any bitterness or anger about the situation" and expressed his "hope and belief" that people would judge him based on his work and Oh! We will! Later, in an op-ed about the resignation of another Obama administration official, Shirley Sherrod, Jones described the media as having "rushed to judgment" about him, and he denied having ever signed the 911Truth petition. 

On July 27, 2010, the group released a statement that they had "researched the situation and were unable to produce electronic or written evidence that Van agreed to sign the Statement". The Evidence WAS THERE before since it was found by others to accuse him so where did it go all of a sudden?

In 2009 when first questioned about it, Jones said that he hadn't fully reviewed the statement before he signed, WHICH IS IT? DID HE AS HE SAID HERE SIGN IT WITHOUT KNOWING THE DETAILS OR IS THERE NO EVIDENCE HE DID? Two other signatories of the statement, Rabbi Michael Lerner and historian Howard Zinn, told Politico's Ben Smith they felt they had signed a petition of more limited scope, one that asked only for an investigation into the attacks.

Janice Matthews, Director of, said Jones and two other signatories "requested their names be removed. That has been done." 


"I'm willing to forgo the cheap satisfaction of the radical pose for the deep satisfaction of radical ends....Our question is: Will the green wave lift all boats? That's the moral challenge to the people who are the architects of this new, ecologically sound economy. Will we have eco-equity, or will we have eco-apartheid? Right now we have eco-apartheid."

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Facts backed by Truth TRUMP your facts Drowning in Protest any day!

Radicals, who are they? Where did they come from? What's their Beef anyway?

Everyone complains about something at sometime, everyone gets frustrated with things in their lives, that is not what's wrong here. The problem with these Radicals on Wall Street and around the country is not what their beef is, at least not completely. The issues involved here are Corporate Greed and Crony Capitalism, the issues are NOT THOSE WHO MAKE MONEY OR CAPITALISM ITSELF no matter what these 'Useful Idiots' state. 

Those who back these people are RADICAL ISLAM and these radicals are truly serious about world domination.

They are backed and paid for by the richest man in the world  so where's all that money going to? Is it getting jobs for all those protesters? Is it helping their families? NO all it goes to is building REVOLUTIONS and destroying Countries.

Americans must wake up from their slumber, radicals are running our country into the ground and fertalizing for the takeover of Radical Islamic extreamism through these useful idiots on Wall Street and around the world!

The Tea Party held rallies and Protests for days and days but the results are starkly different, for one thing THEY WERE CLEAN. The Tea Parties were NOT VIOLENT NOR DID THEY PROVOKE THE POLICE. That alone IS ENOUGH OF A DIFFERENCE TO SEE THEY ARE NOTHING ALIKE. But who are the Real Fat Cats on Wall Street? What or Who created this excuse to protest in the first place?

Its really hypocritical that one of the RICHEST MEN in the world is BACKING THIS 'GRASSROOTS' Movement with his total support when they SAY they hate rich people so much, isn't it? They seem to love his richness but hate Capitalists with a passion, isn't GREED the same no matter who has it, doesn't money corrupt Soro's as well? Isn't accepting MONEY from any rich person a slap in the face in principle to every rant being spoken against the system? OF COURSE IT IS!!!

So what's the danger of these protests? What's the root of them?

If you love the Radicals, you'll love life UNDER their rule, and make no mistake after they win, THE REAL BACKERS WILL KILL ALL THE USEFUL IDIOTS WHO FOLLOWED WITHOUT QUESTION UNLESS YOU CONVERT TO ISLAM!

If you HATE Glenn it matters not. If you can DISPROVE HIS FACTS without demoting the conversation to hate have at it here, but as is the truth most of the time your knowledge is lacking and your facts baseless. This world is going to hell carried by Radical ideals and the useful Idiots {That's You!} supply the power to do it. WAKE UP!

Remember FACTS must be backed up by TRUTH or they are just empty words to cover for a lack of truth to support your stand. Wall Street IS A PROBLEM but not every rich person is a part of that problem, GREED not money is the issue, a lack of self control not money is the basis of Wall Streets woes. Are you so deluded to think that a poor man could ever create a job, or to think that NO MONEY will feed the poor? That is just stupid thinking, built upon half truths. Money creates jobs, builds communities and alleviates misery but that money must be in the hands of someone that has BOTH SELF-CONTROL AND A HEART TO HELP.

Evil Rich? Not so fast there!

I don't care in the least what you complaint is about the system, the system can and will fix those problems itself if WE THE PEOPLE USE IT AS INTENDED. The Government was never created to RULE the people but for the people to rule their own futures through God given rights and Constitutional rights to EARN your way to the top. It is GREED that stops the current system from moving as it should, so your answer is to throw the baby out with the bathwater and start new with a PROVEN FAILED SYSTEM OF SOCIALISM? Now that truly is NUTS!

What happened in Cuba, it isn't working AT ALL!

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Vote Progressives ALL OUT on Both sides!

Congressional Members of the Progressive Caucus
Rep Earl Hilliard (AL-07)
Rep Eni Faleomavaega (AS-AL)
Rep Ed Pastor (AZ-02)
Rep Lynn C Woolsey (CA-06)
Rep George Miller (CA-07)
Rep Nancy Pelosi (CA-08)
Rep Fortney "Pete" Stark (CA-13)
Rep Henry A. Waxman (CA-29)
Rep Xavier Becerra (CA-30)
Rep Julian C. Dixon (CA-32)
Rep Esteban Edward Torres (CA-34)
Rep Maxine Waters (CA-35)
Rep George E. Brown (CA-42)
Rep Bob Filner (CA-50)
Rep Diane DeGette (CO-01)
Rep Eleanor Holmes Norton (DC-AL)
Rep Corrine Brown (FL-03)
Rep Carrie P. Meek (FL-17)
Rep Alcee L. Hastings (FL-23)
Rep Cynthia A. McKinney (GA-04)
Rep John Lewis (GA-05)
Rep Neil Abercrombie (HI-01)
Rep Patsy Mink (HI-02)
Rep Jesse Jackson (IL-02)
Rep Luis Gutierrez (IL-04)
Rep Danny Davis (IL-07)
Rep Lane Evans (IL-17)
Rep Julia Carson (IN-10)
Rep John Olver (MA-01)
Rep Jim McGovern (MA-03)
Rep Barney Frank (MA-04)
Rep John Tierney (MA-06)
Rep David Bonior (MI-10)
Rep Lynn N. Rivers (MI-13)
Rep John Conyers (MI-14)
Rep Bennie G. Thompson (MS-02)
Rep Melvin L. Watt (NC-12)
Rep Donald Payne (NJ-10)
Rep Jerrold Nadler (NY-08)
Rep Major Owens (NY-11)
Rep Nydia M. Velazquez (NY-12)
Rep Charles Rangel (NY-15)
Rep Maurice Hinchey (NY-26)
Rep John LaFalce (NY-29)
Rep Marcy Kaptur (OH-09)
Rep Dennis Kucinich (OH-10)
Rep Louis Stokes (OH-11)
Rep Sherrod Brown (OH-13)
Rep Elizabeth Furse (OR-01)
Rep Peter A. DeFazio (OR-04)
Rep Chaka Fattah (PA-02)
Rep William Coyne (PA-14)
Rep Carlos A. Romero-Barcelo (PR-AL)
Rep Robert C. Scott (VA-03)
Rep Bernard Sanders (VT-AL)
Rep James A. McDermott (WA-07)

Tim Tebow Quote:

“If you’re married and you have a wife, and you really love your wife, is it good enough to only say to your wife “I love you” the day you get married?
Or, should you tell her every single day when you wake up, and at every opportunity?

That’s how I feel about my relationship with Jesus Christ. That is the most important thing in my life, so any time I get an opportunity to tell Him that I love Him, or get an opportunity to shout Him out on national TV I’m going to take that opportunity.

So I look at it like in my relationship with Him, I want to give Him the honor and glory anytime I have the opportunity.”

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